Specialised Services

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Psychology at Work is able to design specialised services according to our clients’ requirements based on a full needs assessment.

Call-Assess Call Centre Staff Assessment

For more information, please view our brochure:

Call Centre Staff Assessment Brochure

Graduate Recruitment

Graduate recruitment can be a cumbersome, costly and time consuming process that puts strain on companies’ internal resources and often does not yield the desired return on investment. Psychology at Work assists clients to optimise the job-person-company fit of graduates.

We either manage the entire graduate recruitment process, easing the burden on internal resources, or only conducting psychological assessments.

For more information please email us.

Interpersonal Conflict Mediation

Interpersonal conflict is a normal part of the working world that can have devastating consequences for those involved if it is not managed properly.

Our mediation process guides parties to come up with practical solutions to their immediate situation. The process serves to equip each party with the skills needed to facilitate their own conflict mediation in future, thereby promoting long term improvements in the relationship.

Change Management Processes

Psychology at Work partners with organisations who want to shift actual behaviour in the work place and thereby the culture of the organisation.

Our specialised processes assist individuals to make the necessary mind-shifts in order to overcome barriers to change. These interventions are facilitated from the top down and in rapid succession so as to increase buy-in to the desired changes without losing momentum. A thorough needs assessment will need to precede this intervention.

Processes typically include a post-assessment measure.

Mind shift Brochure
Building resilience Brochure

Coaching and Leadership Development Processes

Psychology at Work custom designs processes to serve individuals or groups of managers’ development needs.


We offer coaching for career development as well as for help with behavioural challenges such as anger management or overcoming shyness. These one-on-one coaching sessions focus on helping clients to make healthy decisions regarding their future. Sessions are facilitated with a very clear preference for empowering and assisting the client to come up with their own solutions, rather than simply giving advice and creating dependency.

Leadership Development

Leadership Development processes typically include some form of assessment (psychological and / or 360-degree) as well as a coaching process over a few months.

For more information, please email us.